Motorola ATCA-717 用户手册

页码 156
Devices’ Features and Data Paths
Super I/O
Super I/O
The used Super I/O is a Standard Microsystems Corporation LPC47S422 device. It
provides the following interfaces:
S Two serial interfaces
S Floppy disk interface
S Keyboard/Mouse interface
S Parallel interface
Serial Interfaces
The Super I/O device provides two serial full−duplex RS232 interfaces. Supported baud
rates are: 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 and 115200 kb/s. Both serial interfaces
are +/− 15 KV ESD protected.
Both interfaces correspond to the blade
′s serial interface ports 2 and 4. Serial interface port
2 is routed via a zone 3 connector to an installed RTM. Serial interface port 4 is accessible
via an installed CMC module. The BIOS maps the serial interface ports to the desired I/O
addresses (COM ports) and interrupts.
Floppy Disk Interface
The floppy disk interface is unused on the blade.
Keyboard/Mouse Controller
The Super I/O integrates an 8042H compatible keyboard/mouse controller. The
corresponding interfaces are accessible via RTM and CMC debug module.
Parallel Interface
The parallel interface is unused on this blade.