Dialogic M7324 用户手册

页码 178
 PBX Integration Board User’s Guide  
The application can obtain the least significant byte of the value 
returned by the d42_indicators( ) function by ANDing that value 
with 0x0f.  
Pressing Memory Keys 
The Dialogic
 PBX Integration Board can “press” any of the M7324 Memory 
Keys using the dx_dial( ) function. Refer to the Dialogic
 PBX Integration 
Software Reference for more information about dialing programmable keys. 
Each Memory Button on the M7324 telephone is assigned a dial string 
sequence (refer to 
). By using the dx_dial( ) function and the 
appropriate dial string, the Dialogic
 PBX Integration Board can press any 
Memory Button. 
4.5.5.  Display Keys 
As shown in 
, there are three Display Keys located below the LCD 
display. These keys are associated with specific prompts shown on the LCD 
display depending on the current state of the phone (shown on the bottom row 
of the LCD display).  
Reading Display Key Prompts 
The Dialogic
 PBX Integration Board can determine which of its prompts are 
currently displayed by using the d42_display( ) function to retrieve display 
data and read the information for the bottom row (last 16 characters). The total 
length of the display data is 32 bytes. The data location for the Display Keys is 
as follows: 
Display Key 00 
bytes 16 - 20 
Display Key 01 
bytes 22 - 26 
Display Key 02 
bytes 28 - 31 
Refer to the Dialogic
 PBX Integration Software Reference for more 
information about using the d42_display( ) function.