Toshiba MA-1650-4 用户手册

页码 228
When pushed and turned to the right, the ON status is locked until it is turned back to release and another
Cashier Key is set to ON.
When another Cashier Key is attempted to push-and-lock, the register will entirely be locked.
If a Cashier Key has already been set to ON and a sale is under way, another Cashier Key will be disregarded
if attempted to ON.
Under the CASHIER KEY METHOD, no receipts are issued, nor will the drawer open by setting a cashier key to
the ON status.
The multi-drawer feature may be taken with the Push-stay Cashier Keys. In this case, each of the drawers 1 to 4
is assigned to each cashier of Cashier Keys 1 to 4.
The “SIGN ON” triangular lamp will not be lit in any occasion under the CASHIER KEY METHOD.
The light attached to each Cashier Lock will be lit instead.
When the [LOG/RECEIPT] (or [LOG]) key is not installed, [CLK] keys ([CLK 1] to [CLK 8];  max. 8 keys may be
provided on the ECR keyboard.)
Sale entries will be possible only when one of the [CLK] keys is depressed (in REGMGR, or   -   mode).
When the same [CLK] key is again depressed, the cashier is in Cashier OFF status.
A program option provides a selection to display or not display the ON-status cashier
code (1 to 8) at the DPT digit on the Lower Row of the Operator Display.
The multi-drawer feature may be taken with the [CLK] keys. In this case, each of the drawers is assigned to the
cashier of the following keys.
Drawer 1 to [CLK 1]
Drawer 2 to [CLK 2]
Drawer 3 to [CLK 3]
Drawer 4 to [CLK 4] to [CLK 8]
-- Cashier ID Print on Sale Receipts --
On every sale receipt (issued in REGMGR, or   -   mode), the name of the cashier who has operated the
entries of the sale is printed. The cashier name is programmable corresponding to each Cashier Key No. (under
the CASHIER KEY METHOD) or manager-assign cashier code (under the CODE ENTRY METHOD).
    1343 PEACH DRIVE
     PHONE : 87-6437
Open  8:00am to 7:00pm
Closed: every Wednesday
12-19-1994  MON #3001
VEGETABLE        $3,00TF
FRUIT            $1,30TF
CASH            $4,30
JONES       0070 15:45TM
Cashier’s Name