Sierra Wireless 300 用户手册

页码 42
DART 300 Migration Guide 
Comparative AT Command Reference 
2110291 Rev 1.0 
Page 29 
4.3.  DART 300 Specific Commands 
The Plus (+) command set is only available on the new DART 300.  The DART 200 uses 
alternative commands or registers where equivalents exist.  This section is provided as a cross 
reference to the equivalent commands in the older DART 200. 
Table 4-7:  AT [+] Commands 
DART 200 
DART 300 
I/O Port Rate (DTE speed) 
Supported via the &L command. 
I/O Port Rate (DTE speed) 
Sets the communication speed between the 
host (DTE) and the DART 300 modem. 
Display the System ID (SPNI). 
Register S108 contains the current SPNI. 
Display the System ID (SPNI). 
Returns the Service Provider Network 
Identifier (SPNI). 
Lock Specific Channel 
Supported via the -L command. 
Set Modem Channel 
Sets channel scanning, or locks to a specific 
Subscriber Identity 
Supported via the \S? query.  The NEI 
marked with an asterisk is the current one. 
Current NEI 
Returns the NEI (in dotted IP format) pointed 
to by +WS176 (Auto-register NEI Index).  
This should be the current, or last registered, 
Registration Control 
Supported using \R0
Also supported indirectly via the H3 
The NEI indexed by +WS197 (Active NEI 
Index) is de-registered from the network. 
Equipment Identifier (EID) 
Supported via the I0 Identification command.  
Also shown by the &V command. 
Equipment Identifier (EID) 
Returns the modem’s unique CDPD 
equipment identification code in dotted-
decimal and Hexadecimal notation. 
Supported via the \Sn command to set the 
index (equivalent to +WS197) then the 
personalization mode command 
 to set the address. 
Active NEI Write 
Writes the specified IP address to the table 
entry indexed by +WS197 (Active NEI 
Subscriber Identity 
Supported via the \S? query.  The NEI 
marked with an asterisk is the current one. 
Active NEI Read 
Returns the active NEI, in dotted IP format, 
from the NEI table as determined by the index 
in +WS197 (Active NEI Index). 
Subscriber Identity 
Supported via the \S? query.  The NEI 
marked with an asterisk is the current one. 
NEI List 
Displays the four-entry NEI table, with the 
type and status of each. 
Registration Control 
Supported using \R1. 
Register (Manual) 
Registers the NEI entry indexed by 
 (Active NEI Index) with the 