ZyXEL Communications ADSL2+4 用户手册

页码 272
Chapter 13 Quality of Service (QoS)
P-660H-T1v3s User’s Guide
these two classes are assigned priority queue based on the internal QoS mapping 
table on the P-660H-T1v3s.
Figure 57   QoS Example
13.1.1  What You Can Do in the QoS Screens
• Use  the  QoS screen (
) to configure QoS settings on 
the P-660H-T1v3s.
• Use  the  QoS Settings Summary screen (
) to check 
the summary of QoS rules and actions you configured for the P-660H-T1v3s.
13.1.2  What You Need to Know
The following terms and concepts may help as you read through the chapter.
QoS is used to prioritize source-to-destination traffic flows. All packets in the same 
flow are given the same priority. 802.1p is a way of managing traffic in a network 
by grouping similar types of traffic together and treating each type as a class. You 
can use 802.1p to give different priorities to different packet types. 
Tagging and Marking
In a QoS class, you can configure whether to add or change the DiffServ Code 
Point (DSCP) value, IEEE 802.1p priority level and VLAN ID number in a matched 
packet. When the packet passes through a compatible network, the networking 
50 Mbps
VoIP: Queue 6
Boss: Queue 5