Cabletron Systems WPIM-RT1 用户手册

页码 50
Chapter 3: Local Management
WPIM-RT1 User’s Guide
Command Fields and Interface Table Fields
SAVE (Command)
Used to save the configuration changes.
PORTS: [1-32] (Command)
Interface table displays the range of circuits shown in the command field. 
The SPACE bar and either the BACKSPACE or DELETE key is used to 
step through the displays.
RETURN (Command)
Used to return to the previous screen.
CKT# (Read-Only)
Displays the circuit number of the application ports available from the 
host platform. If the active protocol is PPP or FR PtoP, only one 
application port per interface number (IF#) is assigned. If the active 
protocol is FR PtoMP, the available WAN ports from the host platform 
may be assigned, one per DLCI.
IF# (Read-Only)
Displays the MIB II Interface number that is associated with the 
application port (CKT#).
LID (Read-Only)
Displays the Link Identifier. If the active protocol is Frame Relay, the 
Data Link Connection Identifier is displayed. If the active protocol for 
this interface is PPP, then PPP appears in this field. For Ethernet ports, 
Enet is displayed.
STATE (Read-Only)
Displays the status of the application port. If the active protocol is Frame 
Relay, this field displays the status as Active, Inactive, or Invalid 
(no LMI). If the active protocol is PPP or Ethernet, this field displays UP 
(active) or DOWN (inactive).