Nortel Networks 3395A 用户手册

页码 129
    Reopen the next available higher-numbered session
The FORWARDS command reopens the next available higher-numbered session
already established at your port.  Use the SHOW SESSIONS command to display
information about active sessions, including their session numbers.
N o t e s
The terminal server assigns a number to each session you establish.  The server records
these session numbers in a rotating list for use by the FORWARDS and
BACKWARDS commands.  Therefore, when the highest-numbered session is current,
using the FORWARDS command reopens the lowest-numbered session.  When only
one session is active at a port, the FORWARDS command reopens that session.
In a Multisessions environment, the FORWARDS command reopens the next higher-
numbered session that does not already appear in a window.  See Chapter 5 for more
information about how the MULTISESSIONS characteristic affects the FORWARDS
If you have defined a Forward Switch character, you can reopen the next available
higher-numbered session from within the current session, rather than from the terminal
server command interface.  See Chapter 2 and the SET PORT command in this chapter
for more information about the Forward Switch character.
A user whose current session is session 2 enters the FORWARDS command to reopen
session 3.  First, the user enters the SHOW SESSIONS command to display all active
sessions, and check the number of the current session.
TS3395> show sessions
Port 11: lynne          Service Mode     Current Session 2
- Session 1: Connected    Interactive      FINANCE.SUN.COM
- Session 2: Connected    Interactive      PAYROLLVAX
- Session 3: Connected    Interactive      UNIX.HOST.COM
The display shows that session 2 is current.  Now the user reopens session 3.