Riverstone Networks OAW-AP61 用户手册

页码 20
Alcatel-Lucent  |  OmniAccess AP
A D A P T I V E   R F   M A N A G E M E N T   ( A R M ) ,   R F   P L A N N I N G ,   D Y N A M I C
C A L I B R AT I O N ,   A N D   A D VA N C E D   T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G
With previous generations of WLAN technology, 
AP deployment was an expensive proposition. 
Corporations had to painstakingly
undertake extensive RF planning,
complete site surveys, climb into ceilings
to run new cabling, and mount the APs.
In turn, APs were deployed sparingly.
Alcatel-Lucent OmniAccess APs change
this deployment model through
Adaptive Radio Management (ARM)
technology that negates the need for
detailed RF planning.
To ease implementation, the Alcatel-Lucent
OmniAccess Wireless system combines online 
RF planning tools and ARM for fine-tuning,
automated performance and capacity
optimization. The Alcatel-Lucent OmniAccess 
RF planning gives administrators the power to
quickly provision APs based on coverage,
performance or resiliency requirements. 
IT staff can import floor plans and automatically
determine the placement of APs and air monitors.
Once the network is deployed, administrators can
use ARM to automatically perform system-wide
calibration, determine the actual propagation
characteristics of RF signals, and set AP transmit
power and channel assignments to desired levels.