Renesas HD6417641 用户手册

页码 1036
Section 11   User Break Controller (UBC) 
Rev. 4.00  Sep. 14, 2005  Page 246 of 982 
11.2.4 Break 
Address Register B (BARB) 
BARB is a 32-bit readable/writable register. BARB specifies the address used as a break condition 
in channel B. Control bits CDB1, CDB0, XYE, and XYS in BBRB select one of the four address 
buses for break condition B. 
Bit Bit 
Value R/W Description 
31 to 0 
BAB31 to  
All 0 
Break Address B 
Store an address which specifies a break condition in 
channel B. 
If the I bus or L bus is selected in BBRB, an IAB or 
LAB address is set in BAB31 to BAB0. 
If the X memory is selected in BBRB, the values in  
bits 15 to 1 in XAB are set in BAB31 to BAB17. In this 
case, the values in BAB16 to BAB0 are arbitrary. 
If the Y memory is selected in BBRB, the values in  
bits 15 to 1 in YAB are set in BAB15 to BAB1. In this 
case, the values in BAB31 to BAB16 are arbitrary. 
Table 11.1  Specifying Break Address Register 
Bus Selection in 
BAB31 to BAB17 
BAB15 to BAB1 
L bus 
LAB31 to LAB0 
I bus 
IAB31 to IAB0 
X bus 
XAB15 to XAB1 
Don't care 
Don't care 
Don't care 
Y bus 
Don't care 
Don't care 
YAB15 to YAB1 
Don't care