Renesas HD6417641 用户手册

页码 1036
Section 20   USB Function Module 
Rev. 4.00  Sep. 14, 2005  Page 785 of 982 
DMA Transfer for Endpoint 2 
When the transmitted data for EP2 is transferred by DMA  when the data on one side of FIFO (64 
bytes) becomes full an equivalent processing of writing 1 to the USBTRG/PKTE bit is 
automatically performed in the module. Therefore, when data to be transferred is a multiple of 64 
bytes, writing 1 to the USBTRG/PKTE bit is not necessary. 
For the data less than 64 bytes, a 1 should be written to the USBTRG/PKTE bit by a DMA 
transfer end interrupt of the DMAC. If a 1 is written to the USBTRG/PKTE bit for transferring the 
maximum number of bytes (64 bytes), the correct operation cannot be guaranteed. 
For example, if 150 bytes of data are transmitted to the host, the equivalent processing if writing 1 
to the USBTRG/PKTE bit is automatically performed internally in the two places in figure 20.16. 
This processing is done when the data on the currently selected FIFO becomes full meaning that 
the processing is to be automatically performed only when 64 bytes of data are transferred. 
When the last 22 bytes are transferred, write 1 to the USBTRG/PKTE bit because this is not 
automatically written to. There is no data to be transferred in the application side, but this module 
outputs the DMA transfer request for EP2 as long as the FIFO has a space. When all the data is 
transferred by DMA, write 0 to the USBDMA/EP2DMAE bit to cancel the DMA transfer request 
for EP2. 
Generate DMA transfer end interrput
(automatically written)
(automatically written)
(automatically written)
64 bytes
64 bytes
22 bytes
Figure 20.16   EP2 PKTE Operation