Renesas SH7781 用户手册

页码 1692
17.   Power-Down Mode 
Rev.1.00  Jan. 10, 2008  Page 794 of 1658 
 Deep Sleep Mode 
Transition to Deep Sleep Mode 
If a SLEEP instruction is executed when the DSLP bit in SLPCR is set to 1, the chip switches 
from the program execution state to deep sleep mode. The procedure for a transition to deep sleep 
mode is as follows: 
1. Make each modules stop by setting standby control registers MSTPCR0 and MSTPCR1 except 
the H-UDI module, i.e. write H’3F33 330C to MSTPCR0 and write H’0002 0031 to MSTPCR1. 
For the note of the transition to module standby mode, see section 17.6.1, Transition to Module 
Standby Mode and each module sections. 
2. Execute a SLEEP instruction when the DSLP bit in SLPCR. 
After execution of the SLEEP instruction, the CPU halts but its register contents are retained. The 
DU is stopped* as well as the modules that were stopped by the module standby function. Except 
for the DMAC, peripheral modules continue to operate. The clock continues to be output to the 
CKIO pin, but all bus access (including auto refresh) stops. When using memory that requires 
refreshing, select self-refreshing mode prior to making the transition to deep sleep mode. 
Note:  *  For the transition to deep sleep mode of the DU, PCIC, LBSC and DBSC, see notes of 
the transition to deep sleep mode in each module sections. 
In deep sleep mode, a high-level signal is output at the STATUS1 pin, and a low-level signal at 
the STATUS0 pin. 
When using the PCIC, it is prohibited to make a transition to deep sleep mode. If transition to deep 
sleep mode, the operation of the PCIC is not guaranteed. 
If making a transition to deep sleep mode while each modules are in operation, the results of those 
operation cannot be guaranteed.