Multi-Tech Systems 7500 用户手册

页码 372
Internal Modem Connections
 ION 7500 / ION 7600 User’s Guide
Page 132
Chapter 5 - Features and Applications 
Internal Modem Connections
Refer to the “Hardware Reference” chapter for internal modem specifications for 
the ION 7500 and ION 7600 meters.
This section only applies if your meter has an internal modem option. Depending 
on the ION meter and its date of manufacture, the installed optional internal 
modem could be one of two different brands. The Conexant modem is the older 
type modem, and is available in North American (FCC approved) or European 
(CTR-21 compliant) versions. The newer modem is manufactured by Multi-Tech 
and is a universal modem that can be readily used in most countries, and complies 
with FCC, Industry Canada and TBR-21 regulations — refer to the Notices at the 
start of this document for more details.
The internal modem shares the communications channel with the optical port. It is 
factory-configured to respond (and the optical port is disabled). To enable 
communications through the meter’s internal modem, you must configure the 
Comm 3 Communications module. The Baud Rate, Unit ID, and Protocol setup 
registers must properly match your system, and the initialization string for the 
internal modem must be set up using the ModemInit register.
The internal modem is multiplexed with the IrDA optical port on the meter’s front panel, so only one
channel can be in use at a time. To use the modem, the 
Comm Mode
 setup register of the Comm 3
Communications module must be set to Modem (the default value).
ModemInit Setup Register
The ModemInit string register defines the initialization string for the internal 
modem, with a maximum of 47 characters. Edit the ModemInit register and enter 
the initialization string desired. The string is sent to the modem as soon as you 
download the COM1 module. Note that the string is also sent to the modem 
whenever the meter is powered up, or whenever the baud rate in the Comm 1 
Communications module is changed. Any changes to the Modem Init or Baud Rate 
setup registers while the modem is online will cause the modem to disconnect 
from the phone line.
Changing the 
 setup register while the internal modem is online causes the modem to
disconnect from the phone line.