RTS DKP 16 CLD 用户手册

页码 160
Key Gain Adjustment
The Key Gain Adjustment is used to change the crosspoint listen gain on a specific key from the Matrix. This adjustment is 
automatically reflected in AZedit on the Crosspoint Gains window. (System|Gains|Crosspoint).
The range for this feature is Mute, -80dB to +6dB.
A listen assignment must be configured for key gain to be enabled on a keypanel key.
To change key volumes, do the following:
On the KP 32 CLD front panel
press the keypanel key to the right to increase the listen gain for the selected key assignment.
press the keypanel key to the left to decrease the listen gain for the selected key assignment.
A volume status bar (
) and the volume level, in dB, appear on the specified key in the display window.
Listen Volume Adjustments
By default, the Main Volume control adjusts the listen volume for the speaker (front/rear) or headset (front/rear), whichever is 
shown in the keypanel display. The main volume adjusts the level of incoming audio from the intercom matrix.
Main Volume ranges from 
+10dB to -48dB and Mute
To adjust listen volume level, do the following:
On the KP 32 CLD, turn the MAIN VOLUME encoder to the right to increase the volume for the listen destination 
Turn the MAIN VOLUME encoder to the left to decrease the volume for the listen destination.
Adjusting Key Volumes