ADC P-61-743 用户手册

页码 30
• Issue 3 • September 2004 
Page 4 
 2004, ADC Telecommunications, Inc. 
The Remote Test Access Unit (RTAU) (Figure 1) provides maintenance functionality for 
monitoring and intrusive test access to the DS1 channels in the chassis between the DS3 MUX 
and the low speed distribution modules (DLX, HLXC, ODS2, and RLX). The RTAU requires 
no periodic maintenance. It requires the Version D1 or later DS3 MUX module and MPU 
Version 5.3 or SCU Version 3.0 or later system software to be functional in the Soneplex 
Broadband System for DS3 applications. If an earlier version of MPU software is used, the 
RTAU will appear as a blank slot on the Craft Interface’s Inventory Status screen. Earlier 
versions of the SCU software will not display the TAU slot. 
The RTAU has the following features: 
  •  Access supervision for intrusive testing (i.e., monitor access, split access for both A and 
B transmission paths, and loop access for both A and B transmission paths). 
  •  Stress testing of any circuit within the system via the Internal Test Signal Generation 
feature. Many DS1 networks are tested by passing repeating sequences (patterns) of 
logical ones and zeros through the network, also known as stress test patterns. As the test 
patterns are applied to the circuit, they are compared with the original pattern to 
determine if any errors are introduced. QRS (Quasi Random Signal) is one of the test 
patterns supported. (QRS conforms to TR-NPL-000054.) 
  •  Capable of inserting bit errors at a specified rate or as single errors or burst errors to the 
DS1 circuit being tested. 
  •  Ability to monitor (intrusively or non-intrusively) the DS1 circuit being tested. 
  •  User control through the Craft Interface or via the TL1 interface. 
  •  Access to the DS1 through front panel bantam jacks or through the internal test signal 
generator. This control is configurable through the Craft Interface. 
  •  Supports the Building Integrated Timing Supply (BITS) primary interface through the 
wire wrap pins on the back of the Soneplex Broadband chassis. If a valid BITS signal is 
applied to the Broadband chassis, the RTAU will automatically switch over to the BITS 
primary interface and use the recovered clock for timing. 
  Note: The BITS secondary interface on the Soneplex Broadband chassis is not supported 
by the RTAU.