Lucent Technologies 6000 用户手册

页码 586
Configuring X.25
Always On/Dynamic ISDN (AO/DI)
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide
Accessing the T3POS from a dial-in connection
The following example describes how a user accesses the X.25/T3POS from a modem. The 
X.25 data link is already up because it is a nailed physical connection. This scenario also 
applies to Telnet users connecting to port 150 of the MAX. 
Telnet client programs should use 8-bit mode to connect to the MAX. 
In this example:
A user dials in through a modem or through Telnet. 
The user is authenticated against a Connection profile. If no Connection profile exists for 
the user, the Answer profile is used (if configured). 
Both the Connection and the Answer profile specify that the user is an X.25 user (that is, 
Encaps is set to X25/T3POS). An X.25 profile specifies the physical interface where the 
X.25 call is to be established. The X.25 profile determines the settings for the LAPB (or 
LAPD) and packet level (for example, timers and window size). For LAPB, the X.25 
profile also specifies the nailed group to use for the logical call. 
The connection is then established on the basis of the settings in both the Connection 
profile (or Answer profile) and the X.25 profile, and the call is directed to the T3POS.
The user then must use the normal X.25/PAD commands.
Accessing the T3POS from the MAX terminal-server interface
The following example describes how a user accesses the X.25/T3POS from the MAX 
terminal-server interface or through Telnet.
At the terminal-server prompt, the user enters the T3POS command. For example:
The user is directed to the T3POS PAD, and T3POS traffic can be transmitted.
Accessing the T3POS PAD through immediate mode
To allow access to the T3POS PAD immediately upon connecting, set Immediate Service to 
X25/T3POS in the Ethernet > Mod Config > TServ Options submenu. Users typically use this 
mode to connect to the T3POS PAD. 
Lucent recommends that, when using immediate mode, you set the Banner parameter to 
suppress the terminal-server banner, and reduce the PPP Delay parameter to its minimum 
value. Both parameters are in the Ethernet > Mod Config > TServ Options submenu.
Always On/Dynamic ISDN (AO/DI)
The MAX supports Always On/Dynamic ISDN (AO/DI) which is described in the Internet 
Engineering Task Force (IETF) draft titled Always On/Dynamic ISDN, dated October, 1997. 
AO/DI enables you to send and receive data through a nailed X.25 connection (supported by 
way of an ISDN D-channel or other forms of nailed connection), using switched ISDN 
B-channels only when required on the basis of increased bandwidth utilization.