Lucent Technologies 6000 用户手册

页码 586
Setting Up Virtual Private Networks
Configuring L2TP tunnels for dial-in clients
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide
LNS, the unit sends the Client ID to the LNS and the end points use the tunnel password (the 
shared secret) to authenticate the tunnel. Following is a sample Tunnel Options profile that 
specifies a password and local system name for use in tunnel authentication:
Tunnel options... 
Profile type=Mobile-client
Tunnel protocol=L2TP
Max tunnels=N/A
UDP Port=N/A
Home Network Name=N/A
Pri. Tunnel Server=199.33.
Sec. Tunnel Server= 
Client ID= ts-lac
Tunnel VRouter= 
Following is a comparable RADIUS profile: Password = "", Service-Type=Dialout,
Creating parallel L2TP tunnels to the same end point
After the LAC has authenticated a PPP client’s dial-in call, it looks for an existing tunnel that 
matches both the tunnel-server end point and Client ID specified in the client’s profile. If the 
LAC finds an established tunnel that matches these values, it uses the tunnel. If it does not find 
a matching tunnel, it initiates a tunnel request. This process can be used to create parallel L2TP 
tunnels by specifying different Client ID values in profiles.
How the system finds a matching tunnel
If the client’s profile specifies a hostname as the tunnel-server end point, the system must 
match both the hostname and the server’s actual IP address to allow the client to use an 
established tunnel. 
If Client ID is specified in the caller’s profile, the system attempts to match the caller to an 
existing tunnel by using the following values:
The tunnel server’s IP address (and hostname, if specified)
The Client ID
If no Client ID value is specified in the caller’s profile, the system attempts to match the caller 
to an existing tunnel by using the tunnel server’s IP address (and hostname, if specified). 
If it finds a match on the basis of those values, it uses the tunnel. If the MAX unit does not find 
a matching tunnel entry, it initiates a new tunnel request.