Lucent Technologies 9076 用户手册

页码 150
Configuring the SP Switch Router Adapter
Bringing the SP Switch Router Adapter card on-line with the SP
SP Switch Router Adapter Guide - 1.4 Update 2
 October 22, 1999   
SP System. Each dependent node has a 
 and other configuration and status 
information which is unique to that dependent node.
Check the SP Switch cable for obvious problems such as a loose or disconnected 
connector. If any problems are found, correct the problem.
Check the 10Base-T twisted-pair connection between the SP Switch Router control board 
and the SP control workstation. This connection is normally routed through an Ethernet 
If there is no terminal directly-attached to the SP Switch Router, check the SP Switch 
Router host name from the SP control workstation. From the control workstation, enter:
        SDRGetObjects DependentNode node_number reliable_hostname
This will return the node numbers and the corresponding host names for the SP Switch 
Router systems.
Test Ethernet connectivity by performing a ping test from the SP control workstation to 
the SP Switch Router administrative Ethernet address.     
Check the status of the SP Switch Router Adapter LEDs.   
Use the tables in the “SP Switch Router Adapter LEDs” section in Chapter 1 to determine 
the state of the card.
Generally, “RX ST0/ST1/ERR” and “TX  ST0/ST1/ERR” will indicate a problem. The 
problem might be due to connection, configuration, hardware, or software. 
To further test the SP Switch Router Adapter card hardware, you can reset or reseat the 
card, and then use the tables under “LED activity during boot” (Chapter 1) to interpret the 
Before you reset an SP Switch Router Adapter card or re-seat a card in the router 
chassis, be sure that the switch node has been fenced. Use an Efence command to take the 
dependent node off the switch node.
From the SP control workstation, use an Eunfence and/or Estart command to bring the 
dependent node back into the configuration.              
From the control workstation, check 
 for a good value. 
 returns "1" or shows green in Perspectives, then the dependent 
node is active again.     
You may need to log in to the SP Switch Router to perform additional analysis before 
determining whether any hardware needs replacement. 
If problems remain, you will have to contact the next level of Customer Support for further 
direction. They may log into the SP Switch Router to perform additional analysis. If you 
were directed here by the RS/6000 SP Maintenance Information Manual Dependent Node 
MAP, return to that procedure.
For more information about configuration as related to the SP, see the PSSP Administration 
 and the PSSP Command and Technical Reference.  For additional information on 
troubleshooting your configuration, see the PSSP Diagnosis Guide.