Lucent Technologies 9077 04S 用户手册

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Configuring the SP Switch Router Adapter
Step 2. Assign IP addresses
SP Switch Router Adapter Guide - 1.4 Update 2
 October 22, 1999   
Step 2.  Assign IP addresses   
You need to assign an IP address and related parameters to the SP Switch Router Adapter 
interface. You assign a primary IP address and, if needed, an alias address to support multiple 
subnets on the same physical interface. Netmasks for each address can differ in length.  Refer 
to Appendix C, “Network Configuration Examples,” for ways to use IP addressing and subnet 
There are two methods to assign IP addresses, one recommended, one optional.
Method 1:  Recommended, use SP SNMP Manager          
This is the method recommended for configuring the SP Switch Router Adapter card. 
From a system point of view, it is appropriate to treat the SP Switch Router Adapter card as an 
extension node in the SP system. All configuration parameters should be entered using the 
SMIT panels. Remember that if you enter configuration information into SP Switch Router 
configuration files, you will also need to access the SMIT panels and re-enter information 
those panels require.            
Refer specifically to the “Managing Extension Nodes” chapter in the PSSP Administration 
 for information about setting up SNMP to monitor the SP Switch Router system and 
configure the SP Switch Router Adapter media card.  
Method 2:  Optional, edit /etc/grifconfig.conf
Edit the 
 file to assign an IP address to each logical SP Switch 
Router interface. You also can provide other information about the logical IP network to which 
that interface is physically attached. 
Each logical interface is identified in 
 as to its:     
interface name  (an SP Switch Router convention, defined below) 
Internet address   
broadcast/destination address    
argument field  (can specify a default MTU value here) 
The format for an entry (all lower case) in the
 file is:      
# /etc/grifconfig.conf
#name  address    netmask    broad-dest  arguments   
gt020 192.168.15 - mtu 65520          
# primary
gt020 192.168.16 - mtu 65520       
# alias
Remember that if you enter configuration information into SP Switch Router configuration 
files, you will also need to access the SMIT panels and re-enter information those panels 
If you have not done so, use the 
 prompt to establish the UNIX shell you will use to 
configure the SP Switch Router Adapter card.