Lucent Technologies 9077 04S 用户手册

页码 150
Configuring the SP Switch Router Adapter
Step 3. Change profile settings
SP Switch Router Adapter Guide - 1.4 Update 2
 October 22, 1999   
Specify different executables    
A media card’s Card profile can be used to specify a custom binary setting that overrides the 
standard media binary configured in the system Load profile. 
Card-specific executables can be set at the Card profile in the 
 field. The   
 field is empty until you specify the path name of a new run-time binary.  This 
specified run-time binary will execute in this SP Switch Router Adapter card only.
super> read card 8
CARD/8 read
super> list card 8
card-num* = 8
media-type = dev1
debug-level = 0
hssi-frame-protocol = Frame-Relay
sonet-frame-protocol = PPP
ether-verbose = 0
ports = <{ 0{off on 10 3} {single off} {"" "" 1 sonet internal-osc+
load = { 0 < > 1 0 0 } 
dump = { 0 < > off off}
config = { 0 1 1 4 0 0 }
icmp-throttling = { 10 10 2147483647 10 10 10 }
super> list load
config = 0
hw-table = < > 
boot-seq-index = 1
boot-seq-state = 0
boot-seq-diagcode = 0 
If you want to try a test binary, specify the new path in the 
super> set hw-table = /usr/libexec/portcard/test_exec_for_dev1 
super> write
CARD/8 written
Specify different dump settings     
A media card’s Card profile can be used to specify custom dump settings that override the 
system options configured in the system Dump profile. 
Card-specific dump file names can be set at the Card profile in the 
 field. The   
 field is empty until you specify a new path name where you want dumps for this 
card to be kept. 
super> read card 8
card/8 read
super> list dump
config = 0
hw-table = < > 
config-spontaneous = off 
dump-on-boot = off
In a Card profile’s 
 field you can specify when dumps will be taken for a particular 
card. You set the field equal to a value that represents a certain event or several such events. You 
can specify the value in either hex or decimal.  However, after you save (write) your specified