Lucent Technologies 9077 04S 用户手册

页码 150
Monitoring and Management Tools
SP Switch Router Adapter card maint commands
SP Switch Router Adapter Guide - 1.4 Update 2
 October 22, 1999   
Display switch route table - maint 189 2
The SP Switch sends the SP Switch Router Adapter card routes for the active nodes.  The SP 
Switch Router Adapter card receives these routes and appends the hex addresses to packets 
going to the target node on the SP Switch (identified by Node_ID. 
GR 0> maint 189 2
[TX]    Switch Route Table:
[TX] Node_ID: 0, Loopback Routes
[TX]    Route-1: [0x80000000, 0x1], Route-2: [0x80000000, 0x1]
[TX]    Route-3: [0x80000000, 0x1], Route-4: [0x80000000, 0x1]
[TX] Node_ID: 1
[TX]    Route-1: [0x8a000000, 0x1], Route-2: [0x8a000000, 0x1]
[TX]    Route-3: [0x8a000000, 0x1], Route-4: [0x8a000000, 0x1]
[TX] Node_ID: 2
[TX]    Route-1: [0x46800000, 0x2], Route-2: [0x5e800000, 0x2]
[TX]    Route-3: [0x6e800000, 0x2], Route-4: [0x76800000, 0x2]
[TX] Node_ID: 3
[TX]    Route-1: [0x46890000, 0x2], Route-2: [0x5e890000, 0x2]
[TX]    Route-3: [0x6e890000, 0x2], Route-4: [0x76890000, 0x2]
[TX] Node_ID: 4
[TX]    Route-1: [0x89000000, 0x1], Route-2: [0x89000000, 0x1]
[TX]    Route-3: [0x89000000, 0x1], Route-4: [0x89000000, 0x1]
[TX] Node_ID: 5
[TX]    Route-1: [0x80000000, 0x1], Route-2: [0x80000000, 0x1]
[TX]    Route-3: [0x80000000, 0x1], Route-4: [0x80000000, 0x1]
[TX] Node_ID: 6
[TX]    Route-1: [0x468a0000, 0x2], Route-2: [0x5e8a0000, 0x2]
[TX]    Route-3: [0x6e8a0000, 0x2], Route-4: [0x768a0000, 0x2]
[TX] Node_ID: 7
[TX]    Route-1: [0x46830000, 0x2], Route-2: [0x5e830000, 0x2]
[TX]    Route-3: [0x6e830000, 0x2], Route-4: [0x76830000, 0x2]
The Node_ID: is the same as the SW-node= parameter in maint 189 1 and 10 data. 
If switch route table addresses do not match the SP Switch Router Adapter card entries,  the 
 log displays a series of “Switch route not found” messages. 
“Switch route not found”  
The message is sent during ARP processing when a searched-for entry is not found in the 
switch route table. The table mismatch is due either to a configuration error or to corrupted 
packets coming from the the SP Switch. Here is an example of the message:
Switch route not found, node=33386
The node= value is the SP Switch node number in decimal. If the node= value is low, the cause 
is probably a configuration error. With ARP mode set to 0,  the card’s ARP table does not have 
a switch route from the switch to match the destination IP address/netmask for an ARP to be 
created. The message also appears when the SP Switch Router Adapter media card receives an 
ARP from the switch, but the hardware address in the ARP packet does not match any switch 
routes in the switch route table. In either case, the message means the switch route table that 
the SP Switch Router Adapter card receives from the SP Switch is not matching up with 
addresses that are attempting to flow through the media card.
If the node= value is high, as in the example, it is likely due to corrupted packets coming from 
the SP Switch.