Adtran 4120 用户手册

页码 205
Chapter 3.  Terminal Menu Operation and Structure
Express 4110/4120 User Manual
The value ranges from 0 to 255 and is in seconds.  When bandwidth 
is needed for another application, the idle timer is compared to this 
preempt time.  If the idle timer is greater, the connection is pre-
empted.  If set to 255 (def), the connection is never preempted. If set 
to 0, the connection is disconnected immediately when another 
application is requested.
Bandwidth/Upper Threshold
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
This is the percentage of bandwidth that must be at least present on 
one B-channel before a second B-channel is added.  The range is 0 to 
100 and is in percentages.  The default is 80%, which is equivalent to 
51.2 kbps.  See the section Bandwidth/Samples (below) for more infor-
mation on how the bandwidth rate is calculated.
Bandwidth/Lower Threshold
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
This is the percentage of maximum bandwidth the bit rate must go 
below on two B-channels before one is dropped.  The range is 0 to 
100 and is in percentages.  The default is 30%, which is equivalent to 
38.4 kbps.  See the section Bandwidth/Samples (below) for more infor-
mation on how the bandwidth rate is calculated.
Bandwidth/Min Channels
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
This represents the minimum number of B-channels that must be up 
for this Connection List profile. This value ranges from 0 to 2. The 
default is 0. 
Bandwidth/Max Channels
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
This represents the maximum number of B-channels this Connec-
tion List profile can have. The allowed values are 1 and 2. The 
default is 2.  A value of 1 means that no extra bandwidth can be 
obtained for this connection.