Netopia R2121 用户手册

页码 280
IP Setup, SmartIP and Network Address Translation   10-3
Using Network Address Translation
The following procedure describes how to use Network Address Translation.
Pick a network number for your local network (referred to as the internal network). This can be any IP 
address range you want. The Netopia R2121 Dual Analog Router has a default IP address of 
You may choose to change this address to match a pre-existing addressing scheme. For this example, we 
will use
Note: The outside world (the external network) will not see this network number.
Using the internal network number, assign addresses to the local nodes on your LAN. For example, you 
may assign to your Netopia R2121 to a node running as a World Wide Web ser ver to an FTP ser ver to a Windows NT PC to a Windows 95 PC
Note: See 
You created a Connection Profile for your ISP when you ran the Smar tStar t application. In the Connection 
Profile, you can toggle Address Translation Enabled to Yes or No (Yes to enable NAT) and press Return.
The Easy Setup Connection Profile is accessible either:
from the Easy Setup menu in the Main Menu screen, go to the Next Screen Connection Profile 1: Easy 
Setup Profile
or, from the WAN Configuration menu in the Main Menu screen. Go to the Display/Change Connection 
                   Connection Profile 1: Easy Setup Profile
         Number to Dial:                    12345678901234567890
         Address Translation Enabled:       Yes
         Local WAN IP Address:    
         Remote IP Address:       
         Remote IP Mask:          
         PPP Authentication...              PAP
         Send User Name:
         Send Password:
         PREVIOUS SCREEN                    NEXT SCREEN
Enter the directory number for the remote network connection.
Enter basic information about your WAN connection with this screen.