Netopia R2121 用户手册

页码 280
Managing Voice and Data Calls   9-5
If an incoming call is not required to match a connection profile, and fails to do so, it is accepted as a standard 
IP connection. Accepted, unmatched calls adopt the call parameter values set in the Default Answer Profile.
To determine the call parameter values that unmatched calls will adopt, customize the Default Answer Profile 
parameters in the Default Answer Profile screen.
Customizing the default profile
You can customize the Netopia Router’s default profile in the Default Answer Profile screen. 
Select Default Answer Profile in the WAN Configuration screen. Press Return. The Default Profile screen 
To enable CNA-authentication, select Calling Number Authentication in the Default Answer Profile screen 
and choose one of the following settings:
Ignored: Calling Number Authentication (CNA) is not in effect.
Preferred: This is the default setting. Authentication is attempted if the calling number is available. If 
authentication fails, or the calling number is not available, the call proceeds as usual and the caller may 
still connect successfully. Use this setting if you expect to receive both regular and CNA-authenticated 
Required: Authentication is attempted if the calling number is available. If authentication fails, or the 
calling number is not available, the Netopia Router disconnects the caller. Use this setting if you require all 
calls to be CNA-authenticated.
Calling Number Authentication (CNA), is an application of CallerID. It is a method of verifying that an 
incoming call is originating from an expected site. Using CNA, you can increase the security of your network 
by requiring that callers not only possess the correct PPP authentication information, but also are calling 
from a par ticular physical location. 
                             Default Answer Profile
         Calling Number Authentication...             Preferred
         Must Match a Defined Profile:                Yes
         PPP Authentication...                        PAP
         Bandwidth Allocation...                      BAP
Configure values which may be used when receiving a call in this screen.