Polycom 4300T 用户手册

页码 118
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Saving and Restoring the 4300T 
The 4300T stores all configuration information for the system in a series of 
individual files that reside in local flash memory.  These files are read at boot 
time to determine the configuration identity of the 4300T and then stored in 
RAM as “running” state.  As you configure the 4300T the submit command 
writes the configuration changes to both RAM and flash so that the files stored 
in flash are always up to date with the running state of the system.
The 4300T provides a utility that enables you to copy the individual 
configuration files stored in flash to a single, consolidated backup file.  This 
single file can then be used as a backup for the entire system and restored at a 
later date if necessary.  Multiple backup files with different system 
configurations can also be created and stored locally in the 4300T or on remote 
TFTP servers. 
Backup file operations are performed in the 4300T CLI using the ewn 
The ewn Command
The syntax for the ewn command is as follows:
  ewn help|list
  ewn save|load|delete [file name]
  ewn upload|download [file name] [ip address]
where file name must use extension .conf1 or .conf2
No more than 2 backup files can be stored in the 4300T’s flash due to size 
constraints. Also, it is recommended that you create a backup file after any 
configuration changes are made to the 4300T.  This is to prevent the loss of any 
configuration changes made since your last backup in the event that you must 
restore the system configuration.