Atlantis Land A02-RA242-W54 用户手册

页码 84
                                                                                                                                  WEBSHARE 242W 
Group individual ports into a small “Virtual” network of their own to be independent of the 
other ports. To add a VLAN group check on the port to be a member to this VLAN Group, 
and press Apply button to execute the setting. Device Management 
The Device Management advanced configuration settings allow you to control your router’s 
security options and device monitoring features. 
Device Management: Is  possible to move the port number  used for remote configuration of 
the router, is also possible to block access for a determined period of time and to a precise IP 
address (leaving instead 0,0,0,0 it is possible to configurare the Router from whichever IP).  
Is   moreover possible Enable/Disable the function Universal Plug and Play and establish the 
door used for this service.  Finally is possible to configure protocol SNMP.