ZyXEL Communications NBG-418N v2 用户手册

页码 228
Chapter 6 Wireless LAN
NBG-418N v2 User’s Guide
• If two wireless networks overlap, they should use different channels.
Like radio stations or television channels, each wireless network uses a specific channel, or 
frequency, to send and receive information.
• Every wireless client in the same wireless network must use security compatible with the AP.
Security stops unauthorized devices from using the wireless network. It can also protect the 
information that is sent in the wireless network.
6.3.1  Wireless Security Overview
The following sections introduce different types of wireless security you can set up in the wireless 
6.3.2  MBSSID
Traditionally, you need to use different APs to configure different Basic Service Sets (BSSs). As well 
as the cost of buying extra APs, there is also the possibility of channel interference. The NBG-418N 
v2’s MBSSID (Multiple Basic Service Set IDentifier) function allows you to use one access point to 
provide several BSSs simultaneously. You can then assign varying QoS priorities and/or security 
modes to different SSIDs.
Wireless devices can use different BSSIDs to associate with the same AP.  Notes on Multiple BSSs
• A maximum of eight BSSs are allowed on one AP simultaneously.
• You must use different keys for different BSSs. If two wireless devices have different BSSIDs 
(they are in different BSSs), but have the same keys, they may hear each other’s 
communications (but not communicate with each other).
• MBSSID should not replace but rather be used in conjunction with 802.1x security.
6.3.3  MAC Address Filter
Every wireless client has a unique identification number, called a MAC address.
 A MAC address is 
usually written using twelve hexadecimal characters
; for example, 00A0C5000002 or 
00:A0:C5:00:00:02. To get the MAC address for each wireless client, see the appropriate User’s 
Guide or other documentation.
You can use the MAC address filter to tell the AP which wireless clients are allowed or not allowed to 
use the wireless network. If a wireless client is allowed to use the wireless network, it still has to 
have the correct settings (SSID, channel, and security). If a wireless client is not allowed to use the 
wireless network, it does not matter if it has the correct settings.
This type of security does not protect the information that is sent in the wireless network. 
Furthermore, there are ways for unauthorized devices to get the MAC address of an authorized 
wireless client. Then, they can use that MAC address to use the wireless network.
Some wireless devices, such as scanners, can detect wireless networks but cannot use wireless networks. These kinds 
of wireless devices might not have MAC addresses.
Hexadecimal characters are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, and F.