ZyXEL Communications 662HW Series 用户手册

页码 563
Prestige 662H/HW Series User’s Guide
Chapter 41 System Maintenance
System Maintenance
This chapter leads you through SMT menus 24.8 to 24.10.
41.1  Command Interpreter Mode
The Command Interpreter (CI) is a part of the main system firmware. The CI provides much of 
the same functionality as the SMT, while adding some low-level setup and diagnostic 
functions. Enter the CI from the SMT by selecting menu 24.8. See the included disk or the 
zyxel.com web site for more detailed information on CI commands. Enter 8 from Menu 24 — 
System Maintenance
. A list of valid commands can be found by typing help or ? at the 
command prompt. Type “
” to return to the SMT main menu when finished. 
Figure 258   Command Mode in Menu 24
Figure 259   Valid Commands
   Menu 24 - System Maintenance
      1.  System Status
      2.  System Information and Console Port Speed
      3.  Log and Trace
      4.  Diagnostic
      5.  Backup Configuration
      6.  Restore Configuration
      7.  Upload Firmware
      8.  Command Interpreter Mode
      9.  Call Control
      10. Time and Date Setting
      11. Remote Management
Enter Menu Selection Number:
Copyright (c) 1994 - 2003 ZyXEL Communications Corp.
ras> ?
Valid commands are:
sys             exit            ether           wan
wlan            ip              ipsec           bridge
lan             radius          8021x