ZyXEL Communications 5 Series 用户手册

页码 824
Chapter 16 Anti-Spam Screens
ZyWALL 5/35/70 Series User’s Guide
16.1.2  What You Need to Know About Antispam
MIME Headers
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) allows varied media types to be used in e-
mail. MIME headers describe an e-mail’s content encoding and type. For example, it may 
show which program generated the e-mail and what type of text is used in the e-mail body. 
Here are some examples of MIME headers: 
• X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
• X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
In an MIME header, the part that comes before the colon (:) is the header. The part that comes 
after the colon is the value. Spam often has blank header values or comments in them that are 
part of an attempt to bypass spam filters.
Configure whitelist entries to identify legitimate e-mail. The whitelist entries have the 
ZyWALL classify any e-mail that is from a specified sender or uses a specified MIME header 
or MIME header value as being legitimate. The anti-spam feature checks an e-mail against the 
whitelist entries before doing any other anti-spam checking. If the e-mail matches a whitelist 
entry, the ZyWALL classifies the e-mail as legitimate and does not perform any more anti-
spam checking on that individual e-mail. A properly configured whitelist helps keep important 
e-mail from being incorrectly classified as spam. The whitelist can also increases the 
ZyWALL’s anti-spam speed and efficiency by not having the ZyWALL perform the full anti-
spam checking process on legitimate e-mail. 
Configure blacklist entries to identify spam. The blacklist entries have the ZyWALL classify 
any e-mail that is from a specified sender or uses a specified MIME header or MIME header 
value as being spam. If an e-mail does not match any of the whitelist entries, the ZyWALL 
checks it against the blacklist entries. The ZyWALL classifies an e-mail that matches a 
blacklist entry as spam and immediately takes the action that you configured for dealing with 
spam. The ZyWALL does not perform any more anti-spam checking on that individual e-mail. 
A properly configured blacklist helps catch spam e-mail and increases the ZyWALL’s anti-
spam speed and efficiency. 
Anti-Spam External Database 
If an e-mail does not match any of the whitelist or blacklist entries, the ZyWALL calculates a 
digest (fingerprint ID) of the e-mail and sends it to the anti-spam external database. The anti-
spam external database checks the digest against (more than a million) known spam patterns.
The anti-spam external database then uses a proprietary Bayesian
 statistical formula to 
combine the results into one score of how likely the e-mail is to be spam and sends it to the 
ZyWALL. The possible range for the spam score is 0~100. The closer the score is to 100, the 
more likely the e-mail is to be spam. You must subscribe to and activate the anti-spam external 
database service in order to use it (see 
Section  on page 314
 for details).
Bayesian analysis interprets probabilities as degrees of belief rather than as proportions, frequencies and 
such. Bayesian analysis frequently uses Bayes' theorem, hence the name.