ZyXEL Communications 200 Series 用户手册

页码 902
 Chapter 6 Tutorials
ZyWALL USG 100/200 Series User’s Guide
Figure 79   VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Gateway > Add
6.4.2  How to Set Up the VPN Connection
The VPN connection manages the IPSec SA. You have to set up the address objects for the 
local network and remote network before you can set up the VPN connection.
Click Object > Address > Address. Click the Add icon.
Give the new address object a name (“VPN_REMOTE_SUBNET”), change the 
Address Type to SUBNET. Set up the Network field to and the Netmask to Click OK.
Figure 80   Object > Address > Address > Add
Click VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection. Click the Add icon.
Give the VPN connection a name (“VPN_CONN_EXAMPLE”). Under VPN Gateway 
select Static Site-to-site and the VPN gateway (VPN_GW_EXAMPLE). Under 
Policy, select LAN1_SUBNET for the local network and VPN_REMOTE_SUBNET 
for the remote. Click OK.