3M MP160 用户手册

页码 30
 Pocket Projector MP160
© 2010 3M. All Rights Reserved.
The projector will not turn on.
The battery is not properly installed, or the power adapter is not connected to 
the projector and a working wall outlet. Test the electrical outlet by plugging 
another electrical device (like a radio) into the wall outlet to confirm that the 
wall outlet works.
The battery is installed in the wrong orientation. See “Install Battery” on page 
Attempt to remove and replace the battery.
Hold down the power button until the projector powers up.
The status indicator is flashing red when the power button is held down.
The battery needs to be charged or reinstalled. See “Charge the Battery” on 
page 12.
The image is not visible or is very dim.
The 3M MP160 Projector is a battery-operated device and requires controlled 
lighting conditions. The image may appear very dim in brightly lit rooms.
Make sure the status indicator is green. This indicates that the projector is 
powered on and projecting an image.
Project the image onto a flat, white surface.
Decrease the light on the surface where the image is being projected.
Decrease the size of the image.
When there is nothing connected to the projector, it will project the startup 
The projector is displaying a question mark.
The projector does not support the video or computer input signal. Switch to 
a signal that the projector supports. See “Supported Computer Signals” on 
page 25
A computer is connected to the projector but the projector will not display 
the computer’s image.
Plug the VGA-audio cable into the projector and the icon in the upper-left 
corner of the image will display the “VGA-Audio cable” icon. See “On Screen 
Icons” on page 18.
The projector is making a noise.
The projector has a small fan for cooling the LED light source. The fan turns 
on and off automatically based on the projector’s internal temperature. The 
fan will turn on more often in warm environments or at high altitudes.
The speakers make noise when the volume is set to high and nothing is 
connected to the projector audio inputs. This is typical. Reduce the projector’s 
volume setting to zero.