Infocus IN1112a 用户手册

页码 53
Blank Key: selects what to display when the Blank Key on the remote is 
pressed: your custom snapshot, a solid color screen (blue, black or white), the 
factory logo screen, a timer, or test patterns. The timer option is useful for 
classroom tests or break times during meetings. 
Custom Key: allows you to assign a different function to the Custom button, 
allowing you to quickly and easily use the effect. Highlight an effect and press 
Select to choose a different one.
Keypad: enables or disables keypad.
Auto Keystone: toggles between on and off. Turn it on to automatically adjust 
the image distortion.
Keystone: adjusts the image vertically and makes a squarer image. You can 
also adjust keystone from the keypad.
NOTE: The manual Keystone function is disabled when Auto Keystone is on.
Lamp Low Power: toggles between on and off. Turn it on to lower the light 
output of the lamp. This also lowers the fan speed, making the projector 
quieter. Note: When Lamp Low Power is on, ImageCare is unavailable.
OSD Setup:
Language: allows you to select a language for the onscreen display. 
Menu Position: allows you to change the position of the onscreen display. 
Menu Transparency: allows you to change how much of the projected image 
behind the menu you can see. As the value increases, more of the image behind 
the menu is visible. 
Show Messages: displays status messages (such as "Searching") in the lower-
left corner of the screen.
Advanced >  Setup > Keypad/Remote menu
Advanced >  Setup > Keystone menu
Advanced >  Setup > Lamp menu
Advanced >  Setup > OSD Setup menu