Emerson AXP1406 用户手册

页码 148
AXP1406/AXP1600 Subsystem IPMI Programmer’s Reference (6806800B66C)
System Behavior in Response to Sensor Events
Adaptive Adjustment of the Minimum Fan Level
When at least one nonrecoverable temperature threshold has been exceeded on a FRU, the 
Shelf Manager powers down the FRU (sending them the SetPowerLevel(0) command) and 
refuses to power the FRU back up for COOLING_POLL_TIMEOUT* seconds. In that state, the 
Shelf Manager also immediately raises the level of all fans to the maximum level and keeps it 
at maximum.
Adaptive Adjustment of the Minimum Fan Level
The Shelf Manager changes the minimum fan level over time to prevent oscillations of the shelf 
between normal and abnormal cooling mode. When the shelf transitions from normal to 
abnormal cooling mode, this means that the current fan level is insufficient for effective cooling 
of the shelf. In that case, the Shelf Manager dynamically changes the minimum fan level to the 
current level + 1, so that next time in normal mode the Shelf Manager will not try to decrease 
the fan level so low. (In the case of multiple fans and different fan levels, the Shelf Manager 
chooses the maximum current fan level.) This makes the algorithm to converge to a certain fan 
level after several oscillations; at that level, the shelf operates in normal cooling mode and this 
is the minimum possible fan level at which the shelf can operate in normal cooling mode.
To accommodate for possible changes in the thermal load in the shelf in a long run, an 
additional enhancement is implemented. After the shelf stays in normal cooling mode at a 
stable fan level for a substantial period of time (specified as a configuration parameter 
NORMAL_STABLE_TIME*, with a default of 1 hour), the minimum fan level is decreased by 
one and the current fan level is allowed to drop to the new minimum. If the thermal load in the 
shelf has decreased, the shelf will continue to operate at the reduced fan level. Otherwise, the 
shelf will transition to the abnormal cooling state and the fan level will converge to a new stable 
value after several oscillations.