Minuteman UPS SentryII UPS 用户手册

页码 37
Server Settings 
The Server Settings page contains the configurable settings for the SentryII server.  If your server requires values other than the 
defaults, enter the correct values and select Save.  A message will be displayed confirming that the changes have been saved. 
The following is a description of the fields contained on this page:  
•  API Port 
SentryII’s API communications port.  The default port 8888 may be changed if it 
conflicts with another service running on the computer.  (NOTE: This port is used to 
communicate with all SentryII Remote clients.) 
•  Web Server Port 
SentryII uses this port to communicate with a web browser.  The default port 80 may be 
changed if it conflicts with another web server running on the computer. 
•  Serial Communications Port 
SentryII uses this port to communicate with the UPS.  Select the port the UPS has been 
connected to. 
•  Baud Rate 
SentryII communicates with the UPS using this baud rate.  This rate will be auto detected 
from the UPS when the SentryII service is started. If not, please refer to the 
documentation provided with your UPS.  
•  SMTP Server 
The SMTP server name or IP address supplied here will be used to send email 
•  Contact Closure UPS 
Select this checkbox if the UPS supports contact closure and you would like SentryII to 
use this mode. (NOTE: Units connecting to an AS400 computer will benefit most from 
this feature. Contact Closure requires a non-standard communications cable. Part # 
NOTE: If the UPS is connected to any com port other than com 1 the default page will not display until the required com port is 
selected and your web browser is restarted.