RuggedCom RS1600 用户手册

页码 130
™ User Guide 
Flow Control 
Flow Control is useful for preventing frame loss during times of severe network 
traffic.  Examples of this include multiple source ports concentrating to a single 
destination port or a higher speed port bursting to a lower speed port. 
When the port is half-duplex it is accomplished using “backpressure” where the 
switch simulates collisions causing the sending device to retry transmissions 
according to the Ethernet backoff algorithm.  When the port is full duplex it is 
accomplished using PAUSE frames which causes the sending device to stop 
transmitting for a period of time. 
Enabling Far End Fault Indication (FEFI) inhibits transmitting link integrity 
pulses when the receive link has failed.  This allows the device at far end to detect 
link failure under all circumstances. 
This feature must not be enabled at both end of a link.  
Link Alarms 
Enabling link alarms will cause alarms and SNMP linkUp and linkDown traps to 
be sent for the port.  
Port Rate Limiting Menu 
The Configure Port Rate Limiting Command will provide a summary of 
broadcast rate limiting settings for the ports. 
Figure 14: Port Rate Limiting Menu 
My Switch                 Port Rate Limiting                         Admin Access 
                                Port Broadcasts 
                                1    2000 
                                2    2000 
                                3    2000 
                                4    2000 
                                5    2000 
                                6    2000 
                                7    2000 
                                8    2000 
<CTRL>  Z-Help S-Shell 
The switch will limit the number of accepted broadcast frames on this port to this 
value each second, discarding the excess.  Broadcast storm filtering may be 
disabled for the port. 
Port Security Menu 