Brocade Communications Systems IPMC5000PEF 用户手册

页码 230
The num parameter specifies the number of seconds and can be from 10 - 65535. The default is 60.
Use the no option to disable a timer that has been configured.
Configuring candidate RP
Enter a command such as the following to configure the device as a candidate RP.
device(config)# ipv6 router pim
device(config-ipv6-pim-router)# rp-candidate ethernet 2/2
To configure the device as a candidate RP for a specified VRF, enter the commands as shown
in the following example.
device(config)# ipv6 router pim vrf blue
device(config-ipv6-pim-router-vrf-blue)# rp-candidate ethernet 2/2
Syntax: [no] rp-candidate ethernet slot / portnum | loopback num | ve num }
The ethernetslot /portnum | loopbacknum | venum parameter specifies the interface. The device will
advertise the specified interface IP address as a candidate RP:
Enter ethernetslot /portnum for a physical interface (port).
Enter loopbacknum for a loopback interface.
Enter venum for a virtual interface.
To add address ranges for which the device is a candidate RP, enter commands such as the following.
device(config)# ipv6 router pim
device(config-ipv6-pim-router)# rp-candidate add ff02::200:2 64
To add address ranges for a specified VRF for which the device is a candidate RP, enter commands
such as the following.
device(config)# ipv6 router pim vrf blue
device(config-ipv6-pim-router-vrf-blue)# rp-candidate add ff02::200:2 64
Syntax: [no] rp-candidate add group-ipv6address mask-bits
You can delete the configured RP candidate group ranges by entering commands such as the
device(config)# ipv6 router pim
device(config-ipv6-pim-router)# rp-candidate delete ff02::200:1 128
You can delete the configured RP candidate group ranges for a specified VRF by entering commands
such as the following:
device(config)# ipv6 router pim vrf blue
device(config-ipv6-pim-router-vrf-blue)# rp-candidate delete ff02::200:1 128
Syntax: [n]o rp-candidate delete group-ipv6address mask-bits
The usage for the group-ipv6 addressmask-bits parameter is the same as for the rp-candidate add
Statically specifying the RP
It is recommended that you use the IPv6 PIM Sparse mode RP election process so that a backup RP
can automatically take over if the active RP router becomes unavailable. However, if you do not want
the RP to be selected by the RP election process but instead you want to explicitly identify the RP by
its IPv6 address, use the rp-address command.
Configuring candidate RP
FastIron Ethernet Switch IP Multicast Configuration Guide