Motorola WS5100 用户手册

页码 364
4-66   WS5100 Series Switch System Reference Guide
4. Refer to the 
 field for the following
5. Click the 
 button to launch a screen used to configure radio specific parameters.
6. Click the 
 button to remove a radio. However, before a radio can be removed, the radio’s BSS 
mapping must be removed.
7. Click the 
 button to add a radio. The radio must be added before the radio can be adopted.
8. Click the 
button to reset an individual radio.
9. Click the 
Tools >
 button to displays a submneu with 
Select the Reset option to reset the access port radio. Select the 
Run ACS Now
 option to scan all 
channels and discover which radios are adopted and on what channel. ACS then analyzes the radios' 
AP Type 
Displays whether the AP is an AP100 or AP300 model Motorola access port or an AP-4131 
model access point, if configured to operate as an access port.
Use the Type to identify whether the radio is 802.11a radio or an 802.11bg radio.
Displays the radio’s adoption status. If the radio is adopted, a green check displays. If the 
radio is not adopted, a red X displays.
Parent AP MAC 
Displays the access port's Ethernet MAC (the device MAC address that is printed on the 
casing of the unit). Please do not confuse this BSSID MAC with the access port's Ethernet 
MAC address.
MAC Address
The Base Radio MAC is the radio's first MAC address when it is adopted by the Switch.
Display the current operational mode that the Radio is set for. If the radio is set as a Detector 
AP the state will display "Detector", otherwise the state will read "Normal".
Displays the name of the VLAN currently used with each access port radio.
Desired Channel
When the radio’s channel is configured statically, the Actual Channel and Desired Channel 
are the same. If using ACS (Automatic Channel Selection), the switch selects a channel for 
the radio. The Desired Channel displays “ACS” and the Actual channel displays the channel 
selected for the radio. When set to Random, the applet makes the channel designation.
Actual Channel
When the radio’s channel is configured statically, the Actual Channel and Desired Channel 
are the same. If using ACS (Automatic Channel Selection), the switch selects a channel for 
the radio. The Desired channel displays “ACS” and the Actual Channel displays the channel 
selected for the radio.
Desired Power (dBm)
Displays the configured power setting in dBm for the selected radio. In most cases, the 
Desired Power and Actual Power are the same unless the desired power level would put the 
radio's output power outside the accepted regulatory compliance range.
Actual Power
Displays the current power level in dBm for the selected radio. In most cases, the Desired 
Power and Actual Power are the same unless the desired power level would put the radio's 
output power outside the accepted regulatory compliance range.
When the radio is adopted using the default configuration, the power for the radio can be 
defined as “Indoor” or “Outdoor.” However, some countries have restrictions for the use of 
outdoor radios. If using a value of “Outdoor” verify it is in compliance with the country of 
Last Adopted
Displays the time this radio was last adopted by the switch.