Motorola WS5100 用户手册

页码 364
5-20   WS5100 Series Switch System Reference Guide
2. Select the 
NTP Neighbor
3. Refer to the following information (as displayed within the NTP Neighbor tab) to assess whether an 
existing neighbor configuration can be used as is, if an existing configuration requires modification or a 
new configuration is required. 
4. Select an existing neighbor and click the 
button to modify the existing peer or server designation, IP 
address, version, authentication key ID and preferred source designation.
5. Select an existing entry and click the 
 button to remove it from the table. 
6. Click the 
 button to define a new peer or server configuration that can be added to the existing 
configurations displayed within the NTP Neighbor tab.For more information, see 
IP Address/
Displays the numeric IP address of the resource (peer or server) providing SNTP resources for 
the switch. Ensure the server is on the same subnet as the switch in order to provide SNTP 
Neighbor Type
Displays whether the NTP resource is a Peer (another associated peer device capable of 
SNTP support) or a Server (a dedicated SNTP server resource). This designation is made 
when adding or editing an NTP neighbor. 
Key ID
Displays whether AutoKey Authentication or Symmetric Key Authentication is used to secure 
the interaction between the switch and its NTP resource. This designation is made when 
adding or editing an NTP neighbor. 
Preferred Source
Displays whether this NTP resource is a preferred NTP resource. Preferred sources (those 
with a checkmark) are contacted before non-preferred resources. There can be more than 
one preferred source.
NTP Version
Displays a NTP version between 1 and 4. Currently version three and version four 
implementations of NTP are available. The latest version is NTPv4, but the official Internet 
standard is NTPv3.