Nortel Networks 555-4001-135 用户手册

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Browser user interface   91
Nortel Integrated Conference Bridge Service Implementation Guide
Number of 
Enter the number of ports to reserve for this conference, including the 
chairperson ports. The application makes sure that the total number of reserved 
ports for this time period does not exceed system capacity. The system performs 
validation after submission. Preview port availability by opening the “Free Ports” 
expanded window.
Range: 3 to 32.
Default: 4
Dual meeting link
(not shown in 
Click here if a dual-card meeting is required. A similar window with the following 
dual-card meeting attributes opens:
Up to 60 or 62 ports are available, depending on the configuration parameter 
“full chairperson control”.
The “Access Numbers” section displays a fixed dual-card meeting DN, which 
cannot be changed.
Search for User ID. 
Note:  This link appears only on the primary ICB card in a dual-card set.
Select date
Select the date the conference starts from the pull-down menus or calendar icon 
(left of the pull-down menus). See 
 for a depiction of this 
Range: Current day to one year ahead of current day.
Default: Current day.
Note:  This field cannot be modified when editing an existing conference.
Owner ID
Enter the user ID of the user who scheduled the conference and has permission 
to delete or edit it. When the BUI displays this field to a regular user or an 
executive user, it shows that user’s ID is not editable. When the BUI displays this 
field to a super-user, the super-user can edit it.
Enter the name of the chairperson for the user’s reference.
Range: Text up to 20 characters.
Default: Empty.
Free Ports section – see 
Time section
Start time
Enter the time that the conference starts. The minutes box shows 15-minute 
increments (that is, 0, 15, 30, and 45).
Range: Hours/15-minute increments.
Default: Current time.
The default value of the time field is rounded to the nearest 15 minutes according 
to the following rule:
In the first 10 minutes of the interval, the system rounds the time off to the 
past. For example, if the time is 8:23, the box shows the time as 8:15. The 
system interprets this as an immediate conference.
In the last five minutes of the interval, the system rounds it to the future 
15-minute value. For example, 8:26 appears as 8:30.
Table 20  
Scheduling window fields (Continued)