Raritan Computer SX16 用户手册

页码 172
160 D
Once I have assigned the unit a 
unique IP address, how do I access 
the unit in the future?   
Open your supported Web browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer), 
enter the IP address you have assigned to that unit into the Address 
field and press the <Enter> key. The login/password screen for the 
unit will appear.  
Can I assign specific port access to 
a specific user? 
Yes, but only if the user is NOT an Administrator. Administrator 
will always have access to all the ports.  
Sometimes when I try to log on, I 
see a message that states my “login 
is incorrect” even though I am sure 
I am entering the correct User 
Name and Password. Why is this?   
There is a session-specific ID that is sent out each time you login to 
the unit. This ID has a time-out feature, so if you do not login to the 
unit before the time-out occurs, then the session ID becomes invalid. 
Performing a <Shift-Reload> refreshes the page from the unit, and 
not from the now-expired cache. Similarly, you may close the 
current browser, open a new browser, and login again. This provides 
an additional security feature so that no one can recall information 
stored in cache to access the unit.  
What should I do if the browser 
returns with the message that the 
device timed out?   
Try reloading using <Shift-Reload>. If this does not work, check 
your network connections and network status. You may also want to 
ping the console or perform a route print (as described in other 
FAQs) to ensure that proper network communication is occurring. If 
a web page does not load to your browser, there are probably 
network difficulties that are preventing the page from loading.   
How do I upgrade the Dominion 
SX software?   
Software upgrades are easy to perform on the unit. In the Main 
Menu screen, click “Upgrade” and then follow the prompts. You 
will need to enter the “IP Address” and “File Path” to perform the 
What if I forget or lose my 
Any Administrator can assign any user (Administrator, Operator, or 
Observer) a new password if it is forgotten or lost.  
Important: If there is only one Administrator, and he/she forgets 
his/her password, then the unit must be factory-reset and re-
configured from the initial set-up screen. In this case, all saved 
values would be lost.  
Is there any way for me to optimize 
the performance of Microsoft 
Internet Explorer if it is my 
preferred Web browser?   
To improve the performance of Microsoft Internet Explorer when 
accessing the console, disable JIT compiler for virtual machine 
 Java logging enabled, and Java console enabled. Select 
Internet Options
Advanced  from the main menu. Scroll 
through the list until you see the above items and make sure that 
they are disabled.  
I am having trouble using the 128-
bit SSL on the unit. Do you know 
what might be causing this?   
It is likely that the browser you are using does not support 128-bit 
SSL encryption. Depending on the version of browser installed on 
your workstation, you may need to either (1) install a 128-bit SSL 
compatible version of your browser, or (2) upgrade your current 
browser to be 128-bit SSL compatible. Refer to the browser 
manufacturer’s web site for instructions. 
Sometimes when I am trying to 
dial-in to the unit or when I am 
connected to the unit via the 
modem and I lose my connection, if 
I immediately try to dial-in again, I 
can’t get connected. However, if I 
wait for a few minutes, the dial-in 
is successful. Why is this?   
In this case, “a few minutes” is the key:  The modem has a pre-
defined "clean up time" after every connection ends. It does not 
matter whether the connection is dropped, severed, or intentionally 
closed by the user. The modem will take about one minute to re-
cycle itself to be ready for the next incoming call.