Sony bznp-100 用户手册

页码 126
Material Management Window - Control Tab 
The Material Management window is used to manage the four types of materials, and 
the playlists. 
The Control tab lists registered control commands used for PDPs (Plasma Display 
Panels) or other devices connected to the network players, as well as control commands 
for the network players themselves. 
Control commands for external devices are included in the events of a playlist to control 
external devices along with playout.  The control commands for the network players are 
used in the urgent playout procedure, and are sent to the network players to be run 
Displays registered device control commands.  
You can sort (ascending order) the device control commands by clicking the title of the 
desired column.  New device control commands are listed at the bottom. 
To modify the type and/or title of a command, double click the desired column, modify 
the text, then press the Enter key.  To modify or delete a command, right-click the 
desired control command and select the desired command from the menu. 
The BZNP-100 provides the following control commands for adjusting the audio 
volume of the network players.  These commands cannot be inserted in the playlists.  
To adjust audio volume, select the desired network player group with the Destination 
drop-down list box, select the command corresponding to the desired volume, then click 
the play button in the Urgent section. 
Command Name 
Audio level: High 
Audio level: Middle 
Audio level: Low 
D0NspAl0 Audio 
If an event type or title is longer than the width of the list, and thus it is not fully 
displayed, move the mouse pointer over the code, type, or title.  The entire text pops up. 
New Button 
Opens the Edit Control (External Device/NSP-100) dialog box to create a new device 
control command. 
The BZNP-100 accepts up to 50 device control commands. 
Destination Drop-down List Box 
Used to specify the destination network player group to which to send the selected 
device control command. 
Urgent Section (Play Button) 
Used for urgent playout in which the selected device control command is sent to the 
specified network player group, where it will run on the network players. 
The urgent playout function interrupts playout currently being carried out on a network 
player.  Ongoing playout stops, and the selected control command will run on each 
network player.