Polycom 7.5 用户手册

页码 578
Chapter 7 - Meet Me per Conferences and Meeting Rooms
To delete a service name or dial-in number from the conference:
In the Conference Properties - Meet Me per Conf dialog box, select the 
ISDN/IP Network Service name or dial-in number to delete.
Click the associated Minus 
The service name and dial-in numbers are removed from the conference 
Connecting to a Meet Me Conference
Dial-in participants can be defined or undefined before a conference starts. 
Dial-out participants can only be defined. If Auto Detect is selected for the 
dial-out participant, you may define the participant’s name and phone number 
and the system will automatically detect the participant capabilities and 
connect him/her accordingly. Dial-in “undefined” participants may connect to 
the conference if “Allow Undefined Participants” is selected in the 
Participants tab and if there are available resources. The conference may also 
include defined dial-in participants. These participants are identified by their 
CLI number (ISDN) or Alias (H.323).
When the Auto Rate Detect option is active for a dial-out participant, the system 
automatically detects the participant’s line rate, and connects the participant at 
the line rate appropriate to the endpoint, up to the maximum line rate defined in 
the conference settings. This option is advantageous when all participants are 
connected at the same line rate defined for the conference.