Polycom 7.5 用户手册

页码 578
MGC Manager User’s Guide - Volume I
Recurrent Reservations
You can preset conferences to occur repeatedly. To do this, you need to set the 
frequency that you wish the conference to occur while defining the 
reservation parameters. The MGC Manager automatically creates duplicates 
of the original reservation, scheduling them according to the selected 
recurrence frequency. The number of duplicate reservations depends on the 
number of repeats defined for the reservation. 
A recurring reservation can be defined in three ways:
During the definition of a new reservation.
By modifying the properties of an existing reservation.
By using a reservation template from the Reservation database or the Res 
Template file.
Defining the Reservation Recurrence Properties
The reservation’s basic parameters are defined using standard parameter 
settings, as described in “Defining a New Reservation” on page 9-3. The 
recurrence parameters of a reservation are defined in the Reservation-
Properties Scheduler
To define Recurring Conference Properties:
Define a new Reservation or display the properties of an existing 
reservation or reservation template.