HP Integrity rx1620 Server 1.30 GHz Base System AB430A 产品宣传页

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Time-based organization 
The data on each processing node in a CLW cluster is partitioned in time ranges. This creates 
advantages at load time and search time. For load time, since event data generally has increasing 
time stamps, the likelihood is small of combining new load data with data already loaded. This 
reduces data reorganization needs. For search with time constraints, the CLW’s search engine quickly 
eliminates the need for scanning data that does not meet the time constraints.  
Column-based compression 
The CLW uses time-based organization; event data is placed into columnar storage, and then is 
compressed when it is written to disk. High compression ratios are achieved because of the repetitive 
nature of event data within a column. Compared to the volume of data stored in an RDBMS database, 
the CLW security-event-storage can achieve up to a 40:1 compression ratio. Only the columns 
referenced in a search are decompressed and searched. As with time-based organization, this 
eliminates the need to decompress and scan large volumes of unnecessary data. The native storage 
format of the CLW solution is compressed, with decompression only required after the event data has 
been selected based on the time or column references. The basic unit of storage is a flat file, so data 
removal and archival operations are simplified and fast. 
No indices 
Due to the unstructured nature of event data, indices render little value. The CLW provides dramatic 
search response time through distributed parallel searching, and event-data-specific data 
organization. This architecture requires no indices. Unlike an RDBMS, the CLW solution does not 
need a database administrator to create and drop indices to balance between search and load 
performance. There is also no overhead of index maintenance during loading of the CLW database. 
This means the event data load rate will remain constant, no matter how much data has already been 
loaded. Additionally, because no indices are needed, there is also no need for storage of index 
information. It substantially reduces storage requirements as compared to those by a RDBMS-based 
SIM products.  
Non-transactional model 
The CLW delivers unparalleled performance versus RDBMS-based SIM products, largely because of its 
non-transactional model. This is accomplished by minimizing overhead and optimizing use of 
computing resources. 
No concurrency and locking overhead 
As event data is seldom updated, the CLW solution has no RDBMS overhead of row and table 
locking. Searches do not need to wait for updates. 
No transactional log 
Since the commit/rollback model is not meaningful for event data, the CLW solution avoids CPU, I/O 
and storage capacity overhead required to maintain a transaction log.