Korg MICRO 用户手册

页码 80
• Modulation depth (CC#01) [Bn, 01, vv]
When a modulation depth message is received, the LFO2 vibrato depth will change
according to the value specified for PITCH "VIBRATO INT." If the value of the
received message is the maximum value (127), vibrato will be applied over the full
pitch range specified by "VIBRATO INT." If the value of the received message is 0, no
vibrato will apply.
When you move the microKORG's MOD wheel, modulation depth messages are
transmitted on the MIDI channel ("MIDI CH").
• Volume (CC#07) [Bn, 07, vv]
If you assign control change (CC#07 – volume)  to  AMP "LEVEL," volume messages
can be received to control the volume.
• Panpot (CC#10) [Bn, 0A, vv]
If you assign control change (CC#10 – pan)  to  AMP "PANPOT," pan messages can be
received to control the stereo position of the sound.
Assigning control changes to knobs and keys
You can use the SHIFT function "CONTROL CHANGE" to assign a control change in the
range of CC#00–CC#95 to principal parameters that corr espond to panel knobs and
keys. When you operate the assigned knob or key, the corresponding control change will
be transmitted. If the Performance Edit function is enabled, the control change for the
corresponding parameter will be transmitted.
When control changes are received from an external device, the microKORG will behave
according to the value of the control change, just as when the corresponding knob or key
is operated (➝p.56 "Control change assignments for the microKORG's knobs and keys").
In addition, when you use the front panel TIMBRE SELECT key to switch timbres, a
message (Timbre Select) indicating which timbre is selected will be transmitted. When
the microKORG receives a Timbre Select message, it will switch timbres according to the
value of the message. (0: Timbre 1, 1: Timbre 1&2 (Sync), 2–127: Timbre 2).
You can use the SHIFT function "CONTROL CHANGE" TimbSelect to assign a control
change to Timbre Select as well.
Sync control
The first-played note-on will sync a LFO whose "KEY SYNC" = Timbre(
However in order to distinguish manually played note-on/off's from those that are
repeated automatically by the arpeggiator, the microKORG's arpeggiator will transmit
a Sync Control message at the time of note-on (when GLOBAL "POSITION" is Post
A control change message is used for this Sync Control message as specified by Shift
function "Control Change."
By using Sync Control to apply sync to a LFO, you can cause each arpeggiated note to
advance the random LFO by one step.
Silencing all notes of a given channel
• All note off (CC#123) [Bn, 7B, 00]
 (value is 00)
When an All Note Off message is received, all currently-sounding notes of that
channel will be turned off. Some sound may linger due to the envelope settings.
• All sound off (CC#120) [Bn, 78, 00] (value is 00)
When an All Sound Off message is received, all notes currently sounding on that
channel will be silenced. While All Note Off allows the decay of a note to continue, the
All Sound Off will silence the sound immediately.
However, this message is intended for use in emergencies, and is not for use during a
Resetting all controllers of a given channel
• Reset all controllers (CC#121) [Bn, 79, 00]
 (value is 00)
When a Reset All Controllers message is received, all controller values currently
operating on that channel will be reset. Some parameters assigned using Virtual Patch
will not be reset.
 Parameters transmitted and received via NRPN
Front panel knobs and keys other than the controls listed above are assigned NRPN
(Non Registered Parameter No.). NRPN messages can be used freely by any musical
instrument manufacturer or model.
NRPN editing is performed using the following procedure.
Use NRPN MSB (CC#99) [Bn, 63, mm] and NRPN LSB (CC#98) [Bn, 62, rr] (n:
channel, mm, rr: parameter no. upper and lower bytes) to select the parameter.
Use data entry MSB (CC#6) [Bn, 06, mm] (n: channel, mm: parameter value) to specify
the value.
On the microKORG, only data entry MSB is used.
Controlling the arpeggiator
When arpeggiator settings are modified by the front panel keys or knobs, the following
NRPN messages are transmitted. When these NRPN messages are received, the corre-
sponding arpeggiator settings will change accordingly. These messages are transmitted
and received on the MIDI channel(“MIDI CH”). For the correspondence between the
values of the message and the values of the microKORG parameter, refer to the table.
• ON/OFF: [Bn, 63, 00, Bn, 62, 02, Bn, 06, mm]
• RANGE: [Bn, 63, 00, Bn, 62, 03, Bn, 06, mm]
[Bn, 63, 00, Bn, 62, 04, Bn, 06, mm]
[Bn, 63, 00, Bn, 62, 07, Bn, 06, mm]
[Bn, 63, 00, Bn, 62, 0A, Bn, 06, mm] (n: channel, mm: parameter value)
Messages transmitted and received by the microKORG