Black Box ET0100A 用户手册

页码 352
Restoring the Backup File System
EncrypTight User Guide
Canceling an Upgrade
To cancel a software upgrade that is underway for a series of appliances, click Cancel. Appliance 
upgrades that are in progress will complete their upgrades but no additional upgrades will be initiated. 
The upgraded appliances will reboot if you selected Reboot appliances after operations complete
For ETEP appliances, the result for the upgrades in progress is listed as “in operation.” Upgrades on 
appliances that have not yet received the upgrade command are cancelled. Their status is reported as 
What to do if an Upgrade is Interrupted
If the upgrade operation is interrupted or times out prior to completion, refer to the results table to see 
which appliances were successfully upgraded and which were not. For appliances that were not 
successfully upgraded do the following:
1 Make a note of the appliance name and problem description in the Result column.
2 Close  the  Upgrade Appliances window.
3 Fix the problem with the appliance.
4 Select the target appliances and restart the software upgrade operation. 
Checking Upgrade Status
You can check on the status of an upgrade using two methods:
In ETEMS, configure a syslog server to receive events generated by the ETEP. Several system log 
events with a priority level of “notice” are generated by the ETEP during the upgrade process.
The show upgrade-status and show system-log CLI commands provide status on the upgrade 
process. During an upgrade the CLI is available from the serial port, but you cannot initiate an SSH 
session until the upgrade is complete. The show commands are available in ETEP 1.5 and later.
Related topics:
Restoring the Backup File System
The restore operation restores the backup copy of the appliance file system. This operation is available 
through ETEMS only on ETEP appliances. For other appliance models, use the CLI commands to restore 
the file system from a backup copy.
As part of the software upgrade process the ETEP preserves a backup copy of the file system. The 
backup copy of the appliance file system contains a software image, configuration files, policies and 
keys, certificates, log files, and passwords. Restoring the backup file system replaces the current file 
system with the backup files. 
The restore operation can be reversed. The restore operation essentially toggles between the current file 
system and the backup image. Each time you issue the restore command, the appliance switches its 
running image to whichever file system is not currently in use.