Cecilware C-2003RG-IT 用户手册

页码 19
WARNING:  To reduce the risk of electrical shock unplug the dispenser power cord before repairing or replacing any internal 
components of the unit..  Before any attempt to replace a component be sure to check all electrical connections for proper 
No power to the 
a) Loose wire connection. 
b) Inoperative Power Safety Relay 
c) Fuse 
a) Check wire connections to Relay.  See Power Safety Relay Test. 
b) Replace Power Safety Relay, if inoperative. 
c) Replace defective fuse if open.l 
Machine keeps 
repeating cycle.   
a) Touch Pad defective. 
b) Inoperative Power Safety Relay. 
a) Replace Touch Pad. 
b) Replace Relay. 
Water does not 
shut off.   Water 
keeps running into 
a) Leaking Water Inlet Valve [Solenoid]. 
b) Inoperative Switches on Touch Pad. 
c) Clogged Dispense Valve 
a) Clean/check fittings of Valve.  Replace Valve if needed.   
    See ”Water Inlet Valve Test”  
b) Check Touch Pad connections.  Replace Touch Pad if needed. 
c) Clean Dispense Valve.   Replace Dispense Valve if inoperative. 
 Water will not 
stop flowing into  
a) Water Level Probe malfunction. 
b) Water Inlet Valve malfunction.. 
a)  Check Probe.  Replace if necessary.  See “Probe Test”  
b)  Check Solenoid.  Replace if necessary. See  “Water Inlet Valve 
Water drips from 
brew funnel. 
a) Leaking Dispense Valve. 
b) Too much water in tank. 
c) Spray Head Fitting is clogged. 
d) Water Valve blocked by scales. 
a) Replace Water Dispense Valve. 
b) Dispense some water from tank. 
c) Clean Spray Head Fitting. 
d) Replace or clean Valve Seat. 
No water  is going 
into tank at all. 
a) Water Inlet Valve (Solenoid) malfunction. 
b) Water Level Probe malfunction. 
a) Check Water Inlet Valve.  Replace if necessary.    
    See “Water Inlet Valve Test”  
b) Check Probe.  Replace if necessary. See “Probe Test”. 
 Water is not 
heating up in the 
water tank. 
a) Temperature setting is incorrect.  
b) Loose connection to Heating Element or 
Heater Safety Relay. 
c) Heater is burned out or defective. 
d) Inoperative Heater Safety Relay. 
a) Set Temperature at 200°F – See Programming Instructions. 
b) Make sure all wires are tight. 
c) Replace the Heater. 
d) Replace Heater Safety Relay, if inoperative.  See Heater Safety 
Relay Test. 
Cold coffee. 
a) Run out of hot water in tank. 
b) Temperature setting is incorrect. 
c) Loose electrical connection. 
d) Bad or burnt out Heating Element. 
a) Allow time for water in  tank to heat after filling. 
b) Set temperature at 200°F. (See Programming Instructions) 
c) Check all electrical connections for contact. 
d) Replace Heater.    
Coffee too strong. 
a) Water flow too low. 
b) Too much coffee in the brew funnel. 
a) Adjust water flow rate on Dispense Valve. 
b) Put the proper amount of coffee in funnel.  See suggested amount. 
Coffee too weak. 
a) Not enough coffee in the brew funnel. 
b) Water flow too high. 
c)  Temp. too low. 
a) Add coffee. 
b) Adjust water flow rate on Dispense Valve. 
c)  Adjust heater temperature.  See programming instructions.