Barracuda Networks 5.0.3 用户手册

页码 24
14   Release and Migration Notes - Determine Your Update Scenario
Before beginning the updating process, you should clarify which types of hardware and administrative
configuration you have. 
Barracuda NG Firewall 5.0.3 and its predecessors allow different administrative configurations. Please
follow those update instructions that apply to your configuration
Table 2–9 
Different Administrative Configurations
Administrative Configuration Type
Applicable Update Instructions
Unmanaged Unit or NG Control Center
If you want to update either 
an unmanaged unit or an 
NG Control Center, then proceed to 
NG Control Center Managed Unit
If you want to update 
a unit that is managed by an NG 
Control Center. then proceed to 
Unit or NG Control Center 
Combined with HA Unit
If you want to update 
a unit or an NG Control Center 
that is combined with a High Availability (HA) unit
then proceed to 