Hoshizaki HWR68A(-D) 用户手册

页码 64
III. Service Diagnosis
A. Alarm Codes
If an error occurs, the alarm code and cabinet temperature are displayed in 1-second 
intervals. See the table below for a general description of the problem, then see the rest 
of this section for detailed instructions. 
Alarm Signals
Alarm Code
High Temperature Alarm 
Cabinet temperature has exceeded set 
temperature by 14.4°F (10°C) for more than 
x hours. The default value of x is "" ( hours).
When temperature returns to setpoint range, 
alarm code "E1" will clear. 
The value of x can be changed under F3 on the 
Settings and Diagnostics Menu. 
(0=No delay; 1=1 hour; = hours; 3=3 hours) 
Low Temperature Alarm 
Cabinet temperature has remained below 
setpoint by 9°F (5°C) for more than y hours. 
The default value of y is "1" (1 hour).
When temperature returns to setpoint range, 
alarm code "E" will clear. 
The value of y can be changed under F4 on the 
Settings and Diagnostics Menu.  
(0=No delay; 1=hour) 
Defrost Alarm 
Defrost has taken longer than 1 hour. Control 
board has terminated defrost.
E3 may alternate with "dF" instead of the 
High Pressure Alarm 
Compressor discharge pressure is outside 
normal operating range. Pressure switch has 
been triggered 5 or more times in 1 hour. 
Condenser filter may need cleaning.
Clean filter if necessary. Allow time for 
pressure switch to react, then turn power off 
and back on again to reset. 
If switch trips 5 times in 1 hour, and the 
above steps do not clear alarm code, see the 
procedure contained in this section.
Clogged Filter Alarm 
Condenser temperature is outside of normal 
operating range. Condenser filter needs 
Clean filter. Allow time for sensor to react, then 
turn power off and back on again to reset.   
Defrost Temperature Sensor Malfunction Alarm 
Defrost temperature sensor has failed.
After replacing sensor, alarm will reset.
Clogged Filter Sensor Malfunction Alarm 
Clogged filter sensor has failed.
After replacing sensor, alarm will reset.
EEPROM Write Error Alarm 
Control board is defective.
After replacing the control board, alarm will 
EEPROM Verification or Read Error Alarm 
Control board is defective.
After replacing the control board, alarm will 