Insys MoRoS ISDN 1.1.1 11-02-06-02-01.005 用户手册

页码 46
MoRoS Modem/ISDN 
June 06
Enter a value for “Idle time” to set the time after which a Dial-In connection is 
automatically terminated, if no data is transmitted during the set time. 
The setting “0” will prevent the automatic termination of the connection. In this case, a 
connection remains established until the remote terminal terminates the connection. 
The maximum number of seconds is 2.147.483.468 (24,85 days). 
An automatic termination will only take place when no data is transferred during the 
entire set “Idle time”. The time interval is reset and will restart as soon as one single data 
packet is transmitted. 
The radio button “Authenticate Dial-In” is important if authentication is required for 
Dial-In. If “No“ is selected, all persons who know the MoRoS phone number can Dial-In. 
This is also the place to set all user names and passwords which should be authorized for 
Dial-In. Each user must be assigned the information whether he will login using the 
authentications PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) or CHAP (Challenge Handshake