Franklin IC-119 用户手册

页码 42
Picking Search Words
6. Press         plus       to view the next match.
7. Press            to view the books with
matches under the Old and New menus.
 Words Too Common to Search
You cannot search for these words because
they are too common:
a, an, and, are, as, be, but, by, for, from, he,
her, him, his, I, in, it, me, my, not, O, of, our,
out, shall, shalt, she, that, the, thee, their,
them, they, thou, thy, to unto, up, upon, us,
was, we, were, with, ye, you.
 Understanding Verse Markings
Verse numbers are at the left in boldface type.
The ¶ marks paragraphs. Italics indicate words
added by the original translators of the King
James Bible. Horizontal lines,              , mark
the end of chapters, footnotes, and help.